Tuesday 17 July 2012

What Is The Difference Between Globes Used In Regular And Energy Saving Lighting?

These days, being environmentally sustainable and saving money is of great concern to many homeowners, which has led to an increase in the number of energy saving lighting products on the market. But how do the globes used in these fixtures differ to the globes used in our regular ones? Is it really that beneficial to change to energy efficient fixtures?

Incandescent Globes
These are the globes used inside our regular lighting fixtures and, according to popular belief, they have changed little since they were invented. It is estimated that these globes require 70% more electricity to operate as energy saving globes do.
Compact Fluorescent Globes (CFLs)
These were some of the first environmentally friendly globes to be released on the market. They are known to use less electricity than their incandescent counterparts and to last up to 10 times as long, which makes up for their more expensive shelf costs.
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
These are some of the newest energy efficient globes to have hit our shelves and offer some considerable improvements on even CFL lighting. They are said to be twice as efficient, to last longer and to cost less to run over time (even though they are substantially more expensive).

Even though both the CFLs and LEDs are considered to be the more expensive options when it comes to choosing globes for your energy saving lighting fixtures, it is important to take into account that their lower running costs and lesser amount of replacements more than make up for these costs. At the end of the day, making the energy efficient choice not only benefits the environment – it gives your wallet a rest, too.


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